Weighted Worm

Jackson Qu-on Verage Swimmer Jig 1/4oz (7gr) : Culoare - BSP

Swim jig that captures a monster through the year in Lake Biwa.A football shape and a swim head shape…there’s more shapes but basically it is used to trace by grazing the top of the weeds.However, actually further monster is always in the weeds one step below than the near top of weeds.
29,50 lei
Jackson Qu-on Verage Swimmer Jig 1/4oz (7gr) : Culoare - GP (Glow Pudding)

Swim jig that captures a monster through the year in Lake Biwa.A football shape and a swim head shape…there’s more shapes but basically it is used to trace by grazing the top of the weeds.However, actually further monster is always in the weeds one step below than the near top of weeds.
29,50 lei
Jackson Qu-on Verage Swimmer Jig 1/4oz (7gr) : Culoare - MDC

Swim jig that captures a monster through the year in Lake Biwa.A football shape and a swim head shape…there’s more shapes but basically it is used to trace by grazing the top of the weeds.However, actually further monster is always in the weeds one step below than the near top of weeds.
29,50 lei
Jackson Qu-on BF Cover Jig 3.5gr : Culoare - DG

COD: BF3.5
By permeation of the bait finesse,the capture of light cover using a small rubber has become the standerd method.However,the standerd style of the small rubber has a round head and sigle brash gurd causes lots of snagging and ruin of rhythm,and can’t attack hardly at the comlicated cover.
29,50 lei
Jackson Qu-on BF Cover Jig 3.5gr : Culoare - SP

COD: BF3.5
By permeation of the bait finesse,the capture of light cover using a small rubber has become the standerd method.However,the standerd style of the small rubber has a round head and sigle brash gurd causes lots of snagging and ruin of rhythm,and can’t attack hardly at the comlicated cover.
29,50 lei
Jackson Qu-on BF Cover Jig 3.5gr : Culoare - SST

COD: BF3.5
By permeation of the bait finesse,the capture of light cover using a small rubber has become the standerd method.However,the standerd style of the small rubber has a round head and sigle brash gurd causes lots of snagging and ruin of rhythm,and can’t attack hardly at the comlicated cover.
29,50 lei
Lucky John Carlig Offset Predators lestat 357 : Marime - 4/0

Recomandat pentru naluci mari de tip:
Basara (click aici)
Kopyto (click aici)
Anira (click aici)
Makora (click aici)
Sunt ideale pentru pescuitul in locuri greu accesibile, cu multa vegetatie submersa (pomi scufundati, zone cu bradis sau palcuri de stuf).
21,00 lei
Lucky John Carlig Offset Predators lestat 357 : Marime - 6/0

Recomandat pentru naluci mari de tip:
Basara (click aici)
Kopyto (click aici)
Anira (click aici)
Makora (click aici)
Sunt ideale pentru pescuitul in locuri greu accesibile, cu multa vegetatie submersa (pomi scufundati, zone cu bradis sau palcuri de stuf).
25,50 lei
Lucky John Carlig Offset Predators lestat 357 : Marime - 8/0

Recomandat pentru naluci mari de tip:
Basara (click aici)
Kopyto (click aici)
Anira (click aici)
Makora (click aici)
Sunt ideale pentru pescuitul in locuri greu accesibile, cu multa vegetatie submersa (pomi scufundati, zone cu bradis sau palcuri de stuf).
23,00 lei
Lucky John Carlig Offset Predators lestat 357 : Marime - 10/0

Recomandat pentru naluci mari de tip:
Basara (click aici)
Kopyto (click aici)
Anira (click aici)
Makora (click aici)
Sunt ideale pentru pescuitul in locuri greu accesibile, cu multa vegetatie submersa (pomi scufundati, zone cu bradis sau palcuri de stuf).
27,00 lei